Friday, 19 December 2014

Dark Souls II (& Scholar Of The First Sin)


Dark Souls II is an action role playing game (RPG) developed by From Software for PC Windows, PS3 and X360. The console version was released in March 2014 and PC Windows version in April 2014. Game was voted Game of the Year for the X360 category -, Dec 16, 2014.

Dark Souls II - Scholar Of The First Sin is an updated version consisting of a compilation of the original game and its 3 DLCs (downloadable content); Crown of the Sunken KingCrown of the Iron King and Crown of the Ivory King slated for release in April 2015 for PC (Windows), X360PS3XOne and PS4.


As with other RPGs, gameplay involves, at the start of the game after some cutscenes and dialogues, the selection of the usual character class, genre, appearance, etc.There are few NPCs (non playable character) except for a few so called "stores" "blacksmiths", etc for purchase, repair and upgrading of items that the player utilise throughout the game's extremely hostile environment. The game involves the cummulation of "souls" by defeating enemies and collecting souls found in the game world which is then used to in exchange for game items and levelling up the character's statistics such as strength, dexterity, intelligence. faith, etc depending on the class chosen at the start of the game. In other words, instead of the usual gold coins, souls become the currency used in the game. Defeating harder enemies will yield more souls, especially in bosses battles. However, if the player is defeated and died, souls collected will be left at the place of death until the player returns to retrieve them. Therefore it is advisable to use the souls collected to do some upgrading of character statistic or weaponry if the player has accumulated a lot of souls. If the player dies again before retrieving the dropped souls, they will be lost permanently.


The game screen does not have a map for navigation and direction, instead it uses a "teleporting" system called bonfires in the game environment. The player traverse through each mission or section of the game world by teleporting from one area to another. And in some areas there are more than one bonfire. However, when a players die, they are always returned to the last bonfire they came from. In other words, the last saving point. Moving around the game can be daunting since players must have a good sense of direction and memory. Using bonfires to teleport give the player the option to travel faster instead of going through the same difficult areas since some areas are actually linked. Bonfires are also healing or resting points. While at the bonfires, a menu will show, in thumbnails, the section/area and the associated subsections/areas the players has already lit the bonfires. Levelling up of the character only occurs at main bonfire were the player's guide, Emerald Herald ,is found.

The game is one of the few difficult and very challending games that requires a lot of patience, good memory and timing to execute combination of combat moves. depending on the weapon used, while observing the enemies' combat maneuvers and attacking combinations. Even rushing in to attack a group of weak enemies can sometimes prove fatal if not a huge reduction in HP (Health/Hit points). With strongers opponent(s), death is even faster with only 2 or 3 critical hits. So levelling up the player's character as well as upgrading of armour and weapons quickly will made the game more enjoyable.

The game also features online multiplayer when a player can "summon" up to 2 other players to assist in fighting difficult battles.

PC version Collector's Edition

~ 19 Dec 2014 ~

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor (GOTY 2014 - PS4, XOne & Overall)

Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor is an open world action role playing video game depicting events between The Hobbit  and Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien. The game was developed by Monolith Productions and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.

The game is about a Ranger named Talion seeking revenge for the massacre of his family. As expected in an role playing game (RPG), an open world would mean lots of adventure, combat, side quest, etc, but what makes the game more interesting is the new system called Nemesis used in gameplay. Apart from character development, player's interaction with other characters in the game world are "remembered" and "carried forward". Thus having a direct impact or effect on their behaviour in their next encounter and throughout the game. For example, a defeated or humiliated character seeking revenge will interact in a more hostile manner in their next encounter.

Middle Erath: Shadow of Mordor emerged as the winner of the Game Of The Year 2014 for the PS4 category on The other nominees were Dragon Age: Inquisition, Far Cry 4, Destiny and Transistor.

The game also emerged as the winner for Xbox One category against these nominees; Dragon Age: Inquisition, Far Cry 4, Titanfall and Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes.

On December 18, 2014 Middle Erath: Shadow of Mordor was voted the overall winner for Game of the Year 2014 -

The game was released for PC (Windows)PS4 and Xbox One in September 2014 while the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions were released in November 2014.

Game is rated Mature.

~ 17 Dec 2014 ~

Updated: Dec 18, 2014 - Overall winner Game of the Year 2014 (

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Xbox 360 & PS3 - Popular Games @ 10 Dec 2014

Even though the nex-gen consoles such as Xbox One and PS4 is most desirable to the hardcore gamers, I believe there are still many of us who are still holding on to our Xbox 360 and PS3.

If you are on a budget, now is the time to buy the Xbox 360 and PS3 at a much lower price. Some of the games available for Xbox One and PS4 are remastered or upgraded from previous version for Xbox 360 and PS3. Below is a list of popular games for Xbox 360 and PS3. And the games are also cheaper now, in some cases, several games were bundle into one.


Most Popular

All Time Best
1. Grand Theft Auto V 96.20%
1. Grand Theft Auto IV 96.67%
2. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 95.15%
2. The Orange Box 96.36%
3. Dragon Age: Origins 86.98%
3. Grand Theft Auto V 96.20%
4. Fallout: New Vegas 83.84%
4. Mass Effect 2 95.77%
5. Grand Theft Auto Online 82.00%
5. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 95.15%
6. Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition 83.54%
6. BioShock 95.07%
7. Borderlands 2 89.29%
7. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 94.16%
8. Fallout 3 92.85%
8. Red Dead Redemption 94.12%
9. Mass Effect 3 92.17%
9. Portal 2 94.00%
10. Dark Souls II 88.95%
10. Gears of War 93.97%


Most Popular

All Time Best
1. Grand Theft Auto V 97.01%
1. Grand Theft Auto IV 97.04%
2. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 88.00%
2. Grand Theft Auto V 97.01%
3. Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX 83.00%
3. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves 96.43%
4. Dark Souls II 89.68%
4. BioShock Infinite 95.94%
5. Dark Souls 88.48%
5. Batman: Arkham City 95.94%
6. Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster 86.31%
6. Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition 95.40%
7. Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX 80.43%
7. The Last of Us 95.09%
8. The Last of Us 95.09%
8. LittleBigPlanet 94.75%
9. Dragon Age: Origins 86.39%
9. Red Dead Redemption 94.66%
10. Final Fantasy XIII 84.15%
10. LittleBigPlanet: Game of the Year Edition 94.57%

Data Source : /, retrieved Dec 10, 2014.

~ 11 Dec 2014 ~

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Xbox One & PS4 - Popular Games @ 10 Dec 2014

For those who are still pondering and undecided on which games to play over the coming Christmas Holiday, here's a compilation of the current popular games for Xbox One and PS4. All credits to the sites which conducted and collated the reviews. Some of the games on the list were mentioned in earlier posts.

Xbox One

Most Popular

All Time Best
1. Destiny 78.55%
1. Grand Theft Auto V 98.33%
2. Dragon Age: Inquisition 86.79%
2. Rayman Legends 92.17%
3. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 82.88%
3. FIFA 14 89.92%
4. Assassin's Creed Unity 70.55%
4. Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition 89.22%
5. Halo: The Master Chief Collection 86.59%
5. Minecraft: Xbox One Edition 89.17%
6. Far Cry 4 87.11%
6. NBA 2K14 87.12%
7. Madden NFL 15 81.86%
7. Far Cry 4 87.11%
8. Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 77.18%
8. Dragon Age: Inquisition 86.79%
9. Forza Horizon 2 86.25%
9. Titanfall 86.71%
10. WWE 2K15 59.71%
10. Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition 86.62%


Most Popular

All Time Best
1. Dragon Age: Inquisition 90.07%
1. Grand Theft Auto V 96.04%
2. Destiny 76.83%
2. The Last of Us Remastered 95.70%
3. Far Cry 4 83.77%
3. Flower 93.57%
4. NBA 2K15 80.84%
4. Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition 91.25%
5. Assassin's Creed Unity 71.90%
5. Rayman Legends 90.45%
6. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 83.25%
6. Dragon Age: Inquisition 90.07%
7. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor 86.43%
7. Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition 89.57%
8. The Evil Within 75.19%
8. Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition 89.50%
9. WWE 2K15 60.41%
9. Tales from the Borderlands: Episode One - Zer0 Sum 89.29%
10. Grand Theft Auto V 96.04%
10. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth 89.00%

Data Source : /, Retrieved Dec 10,2014.

~ 10 Dec 2014 ~

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Dragon Age: Inquisition (Game Awards 2014)

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Dragon Age: Inquisition is an action and adventure role-playing video game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts. This is the third instalment of the Dragon Age franchise after Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II.

The game received The Game of the Year Awards 2014 in the inaugural video game award show The Game Awards held on December 5, 2014 in Las Vegas.

Dragon Age: Inquisition features a massive gameplay map for exploration, adventures and side quests on several difficulty levels and takes than 100 hours to complete; even more if you are an achievement buff.

Dragon Age: Inquisition has two combat systems; first, the normal action third-person perspective and the second, a system that is quite similar to the old role-playing game which allows the player to pause the game, assign movement and action to characters in the group. The player controls the Inquisitor, the protagonist, who is also the leader of the Inquisition. The player also controls and is able to use the special abilities of the members in the group during combat as well as make decisions on the deployment of agents and troops of the Inquisition. Tactical view during combat returns on all platform.

Player's decision during gameplay will play a large role in Inquisition because players control the Inquisitor, the leader in the Inquisition. This means whatever choices made by the player may affect the opening of whole new areas and its contents. The destruction of an area such as a village will render an area of the map and its associated content inaccessible. Conversely, areas of the map which are unreachable will be opened for exploration by capturing enemy forts or keeps by establishing additional base and expand the Inquisitor's influence in that area. There is a lot of dialogue and manuals to read. The player's influence will be affected by the decision and action taken which will eventually dictates overall gameplay. It also has a co-op and multiplayer mode.

Game is rated Mature. Reviews on various gaming review site ranges from 85% to 95%.

(Platform: PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, XBox One and PC).
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Update: 14 Dec 2014:
Nominated for Game Of The Year 2014 for 5 categories; PS3, X360, PS4, XOne and PC.
- Dec 10,2014 (

~ 6 Dec 2014 ~

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

HALO - The Master Chief Collection (TMCC)

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HALO is one of the best-selling futuristic first-person shooter franchise originally developed by BUNGIE but now the legacy and fate of the series is left squarely on 343 Industries (a subsidiary of Microsoft Studios).

HALO - The Master Chief Collection is a compilation of four remastered earlier Halo games; Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, Halo 2, Halo 3 and Halo 4 for the Xbox One. The whole collection consists all the campaigns and multiplayer modes for the 4 titles, and their full set of add-on contents. There are no changes to the original story in the 4 titles. However, there are additional content that comes with The Master Chief Collection; a feature webseries called Halo: Nightfall* and exclusive access to the Halo 5: Guardians multiplayer beta testing which is expected to commence on December 29, 2014 and end on January 18, 2015. The Master Chief Collection was released worldwide in November 11, 2014.

For Halo fans, it will be an opportunity to experience an extremely nostalgic journey through 45 remastered campaigns and over 200 multiplayer maps. For those new to Halo it will mean hundreds of hours of gameplay, just on the campaign alone. That's four games for the price of one.

The developer 343 Industries just recently released some patches to address some of the multiplayer matching issues and with more on the way. Despite all the negative feedback and complaints on its multiplayer matching glitches, the game was still able to garner an average score of 87% (
Pre-Order from Amazon

*Halo: Nightfall is feature webseries supposed to tell the story of the events between Halo 4 (Xbox 360) and Halo 5: Guardians Halo 5: Guardians is expected to be released on December 31,2015.