Dark Souls II is an action role playing game (RPG) developed by From Software for PC Windows, PS3 and X360. The console version was released in March 2014 and PC Windows version in April 2014. Game was voted Game of the Year for the X360 category - Gamespot.com, Dec 16, 2014.
Dark Souls II - Scholar Of The First Sin is an updated version consisting of a compilation of the original game and its 3 DLCs (downloadable content); Crown of the Sunken King, Crown of the Iron King and Crown of the Ivory King slated for release in April 2015 for PC (Windows), X360, PS3, XOne and PS4.
As with other RPGs, gameplay involves, at the start of the game after some cutscenes and dialogues, the selection of the usual character class, genre, appearance, etc.There are few NPCs (non playable character) except for a few so called "stores" "blacksmiths", etc for purchase, repair and upgrading of items that the player utilise throughout the game's extremely hostile environment. The game involves the cummulation of "souls" by defeating enemies and collecting souls found in the game world which is then used to in exchange for game items and levelling up the character's statistics such as strength, dexterity, intelligence. faith, etc depending on the class chosen at the start of the game. In other words, instead of the usual gold coins, souls become the currency used in the game. Defeating harder enemies will yield more souls, especially in bosses battles. However, if the player is defeated and died, souls collected will be left at the place of death until the player returns to retrieve them. Therefore it is advisable to use the souls collected to do some upgrading of character statistic or weaponry if the player has accumulated a lot of souls. If the player dies again before retrieving the dropped souls, they will be lost permanently.

The game screen does not have a map for navigation and direction, instead it uses a "teleporting" system called bonfires in the game environment. The player traverse through each mission or section of the game world by teleporting from one area to another. And in some areas there are more than one bonfire. However, when a players die, they are always returned to the last bonfire they came from. In other words, the last saving point. Moving around the game can be daunting since players must have a good sense of direction and memory. Using bonfires to teleport give the player the option to travel faster instead of going through the same difficult areas since some areas are actually linked. Bonfires are also healing or resting points. While at the bonfires, a menu will show, in thumbnails, the section/area and the associated subsections/areas the players has already lit the bonfires. Levelling up of the character only occurs at main bonfire were the player's guide, Emerald Herald ,is found.
The game is one of the few difficult and very challending games that requires a lot of patience, good memory and timing to execute combination of combat moves. depending on the weapon used, while observing the enemies' combat maneuvers and attacking combinations. Even rushing in to attack a group of weak enemies can sometimes prove fatal if not a huge reduction in HP (Health/Hit points). With strongers opponent(s), death is even faster with only 2 or 3 critical hits. So levelling up the player's character as well as upgrading of armour and weapons quickly will made the game more enjoyable.
The game also features online multiplayer when a player can "summon" up to 2 other players to assist in fighting difficult battles.
~ 19 Dec 2014 ~
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