SNSD - Past, Present and Forever (Part 2)

When Girls' Generation debut in 2007, I had only read the news and some comments about the group having nine members, one of the largest for a girl group at that time, and there were doubts whether it will be successful. That was seven years ago and the girls have proven otherwise. Why?

To state the obvious, for those who are not a fan yet, their music and image were captivating; after watching so many fan-made videos on YouTube for 3 to 4 hours every night for 6 months; and still enjoying watching them.

In the budding stages of their careers (2007 - 2009) their music and performances were lively, cheerful, energetic and inspiring. The public image the girls projected were also largely undisguised, sometimes dorky and funny. They behave just like the normal teenagers and wore little or no make-up for their public appearances. These were captured in the pre-debut documentary like 'GG Goes to School' and their unofficial debut performances on Mnet's 'School of Rock'. It was not until 2009 when the popularity of the group started to rise with the hit song "Gee". As a result, the fan base expanded regionally and internationally. Since then the group's popularity has been rising and their fans base has broaden to include more matured fans.

One of the reasons mentioned for the rising and the spread of Girls' Generation's popularity, at home and abroad, was YouTube. These can be seen by the number of fan-made YouTube videos  and various television programmes which the group made appearances subtitled in many languages, especially in English.

Apart from the appreciation of and the love for Girls' Generation's music, the only other thing that can keep the fans' interests is the availability of information on the group's activities especially their public appearance on national television as well as radio show appearances; and with help of the group's fans who would take the time to record, edit, subtitle and upload them for all to enjoy. These have given the opportunity for many to get to know Girls' Generation better and appreciate their perseverance in pursuing their dream and passion.

Glad to say, I am one of those fan who enjoy every minute of it.

To be continued - Part 3 (soon)

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